How to Give
Donate online with a debit or credit card at
or complete and return the form below.
Please Gift Aid your donation (if you are eligible),
making your donation worth 25% more, at no cost to you.
You will "nd a range of further information online, including:
Video showing 3D animated !y-over of the Science Centre
Ways donors can be recognised for supporting the Appeal
Sponsorship opportunities for donations of £5,000 or more
Tax relief information for donors who are UK tax payers
Guidance on giving gifts of shares – the most tax-effective way to give
List of donors to the Science Centre Appeal
For more information, contact Michael Triff, Director of Philanthropy
01235 849129
The Appeal
We have so far raised £850,000 towards
our £1 million Science Centre Appeal goal.
Help us make it a million by March! We are
counting on your donation to raise a further
£150,000. Donations are welcome in any
amount, and every donation is valued,
whatever its size.
There are a variety of ways to donate, and
to be recognised for your donation, if you so
choose. You can also honour or memorialise
an Abingdon School science teacher with
your donation. For those interested in
making a major gift to the Appeal, there are
sponsorship opportunities for donations of
£5,000 or more. Full details online at:
Supporting an important fundraising appeal
like this one can be very rewarding. A new
Science Centre will enable Abingdon’s
teachers to deliver an even better science
education for Abingdon boys. Other subjects
will bene"t too, when the current science
block is redeveloped for alternative uses.
Of course, if you are a parent of a boy in
Year 1 to Year 5, your son will bene"t from
the Science Centre the day it opens. And, if
you are a parent of an older boy, or even a
parent of a recent leaver, this is your chance
to fund a facility for future generations of
Abingdon boys in the same way that your
son enjoyed facilities that were funded by
previous generations of parents. Such is the
nature of giving within a School community.
Donation Form
Full name:
Home address (inc. postcode):
Donation Amount:
Please tick one:
One-time donation (please pay by cheque or bank transfer)
Recurring donation every:
year until
(please pay by Standing Order)
Please tick one:
Please recognise me for my donation as:
(e.g. Mr John W. Smith)
I wish for my donation to be anonymous
Payment Method
Cheque (payable to the ‘Abingdon School Foundation’)
Bank Transfer or Standing Order
Bank: Natwest, 11 Market Place, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3HH
Account Name: Abingdon School Foundation
Account Number: 96571330 Sort Code: 60-01-01
Add to my next School Bill (for Current Parents only)
Gift Aid
I con"rm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5
April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs)
that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council
Tax do not qualify. I further understand that if I pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive
the additional tax relief, I must include all my Gift Aid donations on my Self-Assessment tax return or ask HMRC to
adjust my tax code. Until I notify you otherwise, I want to be treated as Gift Aid:
this donation only
this donation and other donations I’ve made during the current and last four "nancial years
this donation, other donations I’ve made during the current and last four "nancial years, and all future donations
Print name of tax payer:
Signature of tax payer:
Gift Aid repayments from HMRC will be used for the same purpose as the donation on which the Gift Aid is
collected. Please notify the Philanthropy Of"ce if you wish to cancel this declaration, change your name or home
address, or no longer pay suf"cient tax to Gift Aid donations.
Honour or Memorialise a Science Teacher with your Donation
My donation is made:
in honour of /
in memory of
Corporate Matched Giving
My company operates a matched giving scheme. I will notify them of my donation, so it may be matched.
Please post this form to Philanthropy Of!ce, Abingdon School, Park Road, Abingdon OX14 1DE