January 2014
2014 Events include:
14 February
Lower School Parents’ Dinner
Charles Maude Room
7 – 10 pm Tickets £15
7 February
Quiz and Curry Evening
Hospitality Suite, Sports Hall
7 for 7.30 pm
16 May
ASPA All-School Dinner at
Eynsham Hall
This event is already sold out, but you
are welcome to request your name be
placed on the reserve list.
Helping ASPA
ASPA is run by parents for parents
and provides useful networking as
well as social opportunities. It is
responsible for the running of the
second hand uniform shop and the
car share scheme. We are always
on the look out for more helpers so if
you could spare an occasional couple
of hours to help please contact the
ASPA Secretary at
The next ASPA meeting is on Monday
13 January 2014. Anyone is welcome
to attend.
Italian Sparkle
In October, over 160 third-year parents
gathered in the Charles Maude Room for
a bit of Italian sparkle, followed by an Italian
buffet in a dining room awash in red, white
and green. With such high numbers in
attendance, parents sat at large tables,
organised by Houses. After dinner, Anne-
Marie and Rosalinda led the traditional Italian
game of Testa y Croce (commonly known
in the UK as Heads & Tails) – excellent
entertainment with a nail biting "nish. Five
"nalists had to battle it out to the end, the
winning parent being awarded a bottle of
The mood on the night was fantastic and
the event was a real success. ASPA would
like to thank all the parents who attended
for their participation with special thanks to
Jess Green, a third-year parent, for her kind
donation of the !owers and a very big thanks
to Peter, John, Becky and the rest of the
catering team.
Book Now for ASPA’s
Quiz and Curry Evening
This perennial favourite of the ASPA calendar
will be held in the Sports Centre Hospitality
Suite on Friday 7 February but you’ll need to
book by 24 January.
Tickets cost £15 a person (cash bar available)
and include a curry supper to be served half
way through the evening. You can make
up a team (table) for 8 people or ask to be
allocated to a team.
Booking form –
Tony Barnard
In September, Tony Barnard, the Shop Manager, left the School when the School Shop
closed. He was presented with a token of thanks from Margot Scholey (Chair) and Su
Wilmot (Secretary) on behalf of ASPA. Virtually every parent and boy will have come into
contact with Tony over the years for uniform and other essentials, and he will be sorely
missed. We wish Tony all the very best for the future.
New site for Second-
Hand Uniform Shop
The shop has moved to a portacabin
between Big School and The Crescent.
The Second-hand Uniform Shop (SUS)
provides a means for parents to buy good
condition, second-hand Abingdon School
uniform. The shop is open most Saturdays
and Wednesdays during term time. If you
have a few spare hours we’d love some
help – please contact:
Opening times - Lent term 2014:
Wednesdays 12.15-13.15
Saturdays 11.00-12.00
Weds 15 / 22 / 29
Sat 11 / 18 / 25
Weds 5 / 12
Sat 1 / 8
Weds 5 / 12 / 19 /22 Sat 1 / 15
Lower School Parents’
Whilst your sons are at the Joint Lower
School Disco with the girls from St Helen’s,
come and have supper with other Lower
School parents in Abingdon’s Charles Maude
Room. Tickets are £15 (cash bar available).
The event is timed to start at 7 pm, after
you’ve dropped your son, and to "nish at
10 pm in time to pick him up.
Booking form –