Thursday 16 January
Piano Masterclass with Ben Schoeman, one of
South Africa’s leading pianists
7 pm: Amey Theatre
Admission free
Thursday 23 January
Music Scholars’ Concert No. 3
7 pm: Charles Maude Room
Admission free
Tuesday 28 January
School Organists’ Recital
5 pm: School Chapel
Thursday 30 January
New Year Charity Concert
7 pm: Amey Theatre
Tickets: £6, £4 (concessions) £16 family ticket
Wednesday 5 February
Chilingirian String Quartet Concert
The world famous quartet will give a concert
following their afternoon workshop at the School
– Schubert
Quartettsatz in C Minor,
Rasumovsky Quartet Op 59 No 2 in E Minor
Schubert –
Quartet No 14 in D Minor Death and
the Maiden
7 pm: Amey Theatre
Tickets: £13 (adults), £7 (students) £30 (family)
Tuesday 25 February
The Chapel Choir will sing Evensong in New
6.15 pm: New College Chapel
Wednesday 26 February
Chamber Music Evening
7 pm: Charles Maude Room
Admission free
Wednesday 5 March
Ash Wednesday
The Chapel Choir will sing Eucharist at St
Helen’s Church
7 pm: St Helen’s Church, Abingdon
Thursday 6 March
Music Scholars’ Concert No. 4
7 pm: Charles Maude Room
Admission free
Friday 14 March
Singers’ Platform
7 pm: Charles Maude Room
Admission free
Thursday 20 March
Choral Concert
Chapel Choir, Abingdon Academicals, Abingdon
Voices, Joint Chamber Choir
6 pm: Abingdon School Chapel
Tuesday 18 March
Senior Recital Evening
7 pm: Charles Maude Room
Admission free
Thursday 16, Friday 17 January
The Joint Senior Drama Production
Bull by Mike Bartlett, OA, a short, slick and
emotionally un!inching look at the water-cooler
politics of the modern of"ce
7 pm: St Helen’s
Tuesday 28, Wednesday 29 January
Third-year Dram Production
Biggles Flies a Fokker Home
A spot-on spoof of WJ John’s Biggles’ novels
by Dougie Blaxland
7 pm: Amey Theatre
Wednesday 5 and Friday 7 February
Joint Senior Drama Production
Guys and Dolls
Frank Loesser’s ever-popular 1950 musical
7 pm: Yolande Patterson Hall, St Helen’s
Thursday 16 January
History Society Lecture
Professor Gary Shef"eld,
2014 and the
Commemoration of World War 1
4 pm: Charles Maude Room
Friday 24 January
Joint Sixth-form Economics Society Lecture
Brian Hodgkinson, author of
A New Model of
the Economy
4 pm: Duf"eld Library, St Helen’s
Tuesday 4 February
Roysse Society Lecture
Stephen Clarke
5.30 pm: Charles Maude Room
Friday 7 March
History Society Lecture
Nicholas Kinloch,
The Treaty of Versailles and
World War Two
5.30 pm: Charles Maude Room
Monday 10 March
Classics Society
Dr Ed Bispham, Brasenose College,
6.30 pm: Charles Maude Room
Friday 7 February
ASPA Quiz & Curry Night
7 for 7.30 pm: Sports Centre Hospitality Suite
Tickets: £15 a person
Booking form:
www. abingdon.org.uk/aspa
Friday 14 February
ASPA Lower School Parents’ Supper
£15 a person
Booking form:
Friday 21 March
ATOM! Oxfordshire Science Festival 2014
Professor Jim Al-Kalili
What is the link between birds "nding their way
from Africa to Abingdon, our sense of smell,
and mutations in DNA that may lead to cancer?
The exciting new "eld of Quantum Biology may
provide the answers. Jim Al-Khalili is one of a
growing number of scientists investigating how
what Einstein called spooky action at a distance
- the mysteries of quantum mechanics - may
control the workings of the wet warm biological
world. Is life itself a quantum effect?
7 pm: Amey Theatre
Check details of all these
events on the calendar at:
What’s On
To book music and drama events:
01235 849063