OA Club
London Drinks Reception
On Wednesday 11 November 2015, the fully booked London Drinks event took place,
with over 200 OAs enjoying drinks in the Great Chamber at Charterhouse. Lively
conversation and laughter filled the hall, as OAs caught up with classmates and former
teachers. There were speeches from David Allison (OA Committee President), Charlie
Hobson (OA 1976) and Gareth Morris (OA Committee Chairman), who spoke on behalf
of Felicity Lusk, the Head, who could not attend. Our thanks go to Charlie Hobson (OA
1976), Master of Charterhouse, for his offer of this historic London venue for the event.
Book early next year to avoid disappointment!
Sixth Form Careers Evening
On Friday 20 November, 28 OAs and 130 boys gathered for the Sixth Form Careers
Evening, in the format of a professional conference. Boys learnt about the art of
networking, received unique insights into preparing for the world of work from the OA
panel, and discussed in detail their potential career paths with OAs in that sector. OAs
enjoyed the opportunity to give advice they may have benefitted from as sixth formers!
University Reunions
Friday 5 February
Saturday 5 March
Saturday 21 May
Regional Reunions
Saturday 6 February
Saturday 5 March
Saturday 21 May
Monday 21 March
School Road Relay
Entries from OA teams (four OAs per team)
are invited to join the 2016 Abingdon School
Road Relay. If you are interested, please
email the OA Club Office at
[email protected].Upcoming Events
Saturday 27 February
ASPA Quiz and Mexican Supper Night
The Abingdon School Parents Association (ASPA) invites OAs to form a team for their
annual Quiz and Mexican Supper Night. £20 per ticket. To register, email Michael Triff
[email protected]Sunday 17 April
Gerald Smithson Memorial Cricket Event
A day of cricket on War Memorial Field to remember Abingdon’s first professional
coach and groundsman. Look out for details online.
www.abingdon.org.uk/oa/eventsAny questions, please call:
01235 849074
Gareth Morris (R) and David Allison (L)
at London Drinks
Paul Green (OA 1983) at the
Sixth Form Careers Evening
The 2015 ASPA Quiz and Curry Night OA team
Abingdon School Road Relay 2015