Preparatory School
Pre-prep has had a busy term with the newest recruits in Reception settling in very well.
The boys loved the visit from Blue Watch at Abingdon Fire Station and they enjoyed
dressing up, trying new food and dancing at Diwali. Year 3 entertained the younger years
with their shadow puppets and Pre-prep also took part in the annual harvest festival.
The culmination of a lovely term was The Nativity, which charmed audiences with tuneful
renditions and lively performances.
Pre-prep Activities
On the academic stage Abingdon Prep
has enjoyed much success this term. A
Middle Section team won the Magdalen
College School Prep Schools Quiz
Challenge against tough competition
from Oxford High, The Dragon, Summer
Fields and Headington to name a few. At
the Summer Fields Maths Challenge an
APS Year 4 team again came top of their
group and at the St Edward’s Academic
Challenge, Year 6 gave a very impressive
performance. Very well done to all.
Charity Fund Raising
This year’s charity is Riding for the
Disabled and boys have been using
every opportunity to raise money. At half
term the costumes were excellent for the
equestrian-themed home clothes day
and the school office transformed rather
smoothly into a bookies! Over the last few
weeks of term boys have been collecting
silver coins to fill a large chalk horse drawn
on the tarmac in front of school. The horse
looked fantastic and the coins amounted
to an impressive £975.25.
We are very keen
for boys to explore
and we enhance
the curriculum
whenever possible
with trips, visiting
speakers and
other enrichment
activities. This
term Year 8 studied
art and science at
the Natural History
Museum. Year 5’s
history studies came
to life with a visit
to HMS Victory and
Year 6 honed their
bushcraft skills at
Cornbury Park. Year
4 enjoyed their first
experience of a
school residential
trip when they took
to The Ridgeway,
staying overnight at
Court Hill Hostel.
APS Explores