January 2016
Parents’ Association
Uniform Shop
The Second-hand Uniform Shop (SUS)
provides a means for parents to buy
and sell good condition, second-hand
Abingdon School uniform. 60% of the
sale price will go to the parent/carer and
40% to the School to purchase extra
items for the boys to use. Uniform must
have the name removed and be clean
and pressed ready for sale. The shop is
open most Saturdays and Wednesdays
during term time. All dates and times
of opening are available on the school
website and enquiries to:
[email protected]Save the Date:
2016 Events
27 February
Annual Quiz & Mexican Supper Night
School dining room
21 May
Pink Tie and Tiara Dinner and Disco
Abingdon School
Volunteers needed! If you would like to
be on the committee for this event or the
Grand Auction, please email
[email protected]For full details of all events go to
ASPA website:
www.abingdon.org.uk/aspaIntroducing the New
‘Must-have’ ASPA
Event Accessory
As those of you who have attended ASPA
events know, it’s our committee members
and parent helpers that really make
sure they are a success and we are so
grateful for their support. In fact, anyone
helping at an event will now become the
proud wearer of that much sought-after
fashion accessory, the ASPA apron! See
it modelled here at our recent First Year
Curry Supper.
School Cafe Hosts Inaugural Parents’ Supper
That regular event on the ASPA social calendar, the Lower School Curry Supper, took on a new twist recently when fears for the carpet
in the newly refurbished Charles Maude Room meant that the venue was switched to the School Cafe! So, it became a perfect venue
for 60 First Year parents to experience the cafe that their sons so often talk about using during the day. But on this occasion, First
Year Rep, Linda Fathers, and her team hosted a fantastic evening with an Indian theme. The Café looked amazing and with its friendly,
informal atmosphere was the perfect way for these parents to get to know one another. Many thanks to Linda and her team, as well as
to John and Natalya in catering for their hard work in pulling this together.
A Sparkling Night of
Italian Food and Wine
Hot on the heels of our parent survey,
where we were asked to up the ‘Italian’
element of the Third Year Supper, we met
with the School’s caterers to ask them
to come up with a fully-fledged Italian
themed menu. Third Year Rep, Carol
Vanhinsbergh, and her team of House
Reps, created an Italian inspired décor and
a fantastic raffle of Italian inspired gifts.
With 130 parents attending, the night had
a great vibe and delicious food and wine;
a real tribute to the hard work put in by
the team and Abingdon School catering.
Huge thanks to them all!