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Christian Life at Abingdon – ‘Y’

This middle school group is a fun way of exploring the

Christian faith by discussing tough questions, watching video

clips and by looking at the Bible. Anyone in Middle School is

most welcome – whatever your beliefs. All accompanied by

good food!

Christian Life at Abingdon –

Youth Alpha Course

The Alpha Course, attended by millions worldwide, is an

opportunity for fifth and sixth formers to explore the Christian

faith in a relaxed café-style setting. It is designed primarily for

those who are not church-goers and is open to anyone who

wants to understand more about Christianity, whatever their

beliefs. There are ten thought-provoking sessions, where there

is a short presentation and opportunity for discussion. Pupils

get to discuss what they really think and to ask any questions

they may have. This could also be of particular interest to

pupils studying Philosophy and Ethics to help them formulate

their own opinions and arguments. For more information

check out


Debating Society

Allegedly Abingdon’s oldest non-sporting society, the

Debating Society is the place to argue and form opinions

about a variety of topics and motions. If you love an

argument, or generally thrive on controversy, this is the

society for you.

We debate everything from serious politics to more abstract

ideas such as whether we should follow our dreams in life,

via the thorny issues of organ donation and torturing terrorists.

In the open debates, volunteer speakers put their views

across in speeches before the debate gets opened up to the

floor and everyone else gets their say – lively disagreement

inevitably ensues.

We enter teams into a number of national competitions in

debating and public speaking and run workshops to help

improve debating skills. Throughout the year, we arrange

popular dinner debates with girls’ schools for the senior

members of the society. All are welcome. Within the Debating

Society there are also opportunities for sixth form pupils to

meet in smaller groups to hold debates – and there is a

workshop aimed at middle school pupils to help them develop

debating and public speaking skills.

Lower School Debating Society

A chance for lower school boys to hone their public speaking

skills while debating topical issues. Joint debates with

St Helen’s can be arranged over the course of the year.

Novels and Nibbles

Novels and Nibbles is for any third year student who enjoys

adventurous reading and intense discussions of books and

writers (along with pretty much anything remotely connected

to those two things). We decide which books we’re going to

read together and usually get through three or four a term;

recent favourites include

Flowers for Algernon




The Lost Art.

Our meetings are lively and opinionated, and

have covered everything from cliches in dystopian fiction

to the possibility of extra-sensory perception.

Model United Nations

Through the Model United Nations Society we take

delegations along to conferences throughout the year at

other schools. At these we represent a country’s interest

in debates. It’s an excellent way of building legal, political

and debating experience as well as broadening

knowledge of current and international affairs and

socialising with other schools.