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Abelard Society

The Abelard Society is the Abingdon Third Year philosophy

club. It is named in honour of Peter Abelard, a medieval

scholar well known for his excellence in dialectic, a form of

philosophy. Meetings are in the form of an open

discussion arising out of a philosophical prompt.

Books and Biscuits

Books and Biscuits is for any lower school student who

likes reading, wants to become more adventurous in their

reading choices and enjoys discussing what they like (and

don’t!) in a book. In the Michaelmas and Lent terms, we

decide which books we’re going to read together, and

usually get through one every half-term; recent favourites


Ender’s Game


The Declaration




During the Summer term, we shadow the annual

Carnegie medal, getting together with other local schools

to decide the best children’s book of the year. Our

meetings are lively and opinionated – and always include

biscuits (and sometimes cake).

Christian Life at Abingdon –

‘The Way’

This Lower School group meets to consider what it means

to follow Jesus. Each week we seek to do this together as

a group by playing a game and looking at the teaching of

the Bible, often with the help of an outside speaker.

Anyone in the Lower School is welcome. Snacks provided.