Abingdon News - page 6

September 2015
The Abingdon Science Partnership, ASP, is an organisation based at and supported
by the School. The aim of the Partnership is to encourage access to and broaden
participation in science for all. This year ASP has been working with a range of
organisations, including Science Oxford, local schools and the exam boards, offering
various courses and science events for different audiences. These range from family
science clubs on a Saturday to running a day course for secondary school science
ASP continues to provide CREST Star activities for local primary schools, and is
looking forward to awarding CREST Star certificates to hundreds of year 1, 2 and
3 pupils from across Abingdon (and beyond!). ASP also works alongside the exam
boards running information evenings for Heads of Departments about the new A level
and GCSE exams.
In other initiatives, ASP and Science Oxford provide continuing professional
development courses for primary science teachers. Recent topics have included
‘thinking scientifically’ and ‘practical programming’ which help teachers plan and
deliver practical investigations and basic coding in their science lessons.
Saturday 3 October
A Celebration of Abingdon Rowing
Abingdon School Boathouse
This event is open to anyone involved
in Abingdon School rowing, past and
present. Numbers are limited and
reservations can be made online. For
further details go to
Thursday 15 October
Dedication of the Yang Science Centre
4 pm: All parents and pupils invited.
Please RSVP online by 21/9/15
Sunday 29 November
Joint Choral Society Concert
7 pm: Amey Theatre; tickets:
£6, £4(concessions), £16 (family)
Friday 4 December
Christmas Concert
7 pm: Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford
£6, £4(concessions), £16 (family)
Drama Productions
Saturday 3 October
Abingdon Film Unit, 12th Annual
Screening and presentation of the
Grigsby Awards
7pm: Amey Theatre (free admission)
Tues and Weds 24, 25 November
Senior drama production
7pm: St Helen’s Lecture Theatre
Thurs and Fri 26, 27 November
First, Second and Third Year drama
7pm: Amey Theatre
Thursday 3 December
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
6th form charity screening and
7pm: Amey Theatre
Please note details may be provisional –
please check closer to the event.
Dates for
your diary
Autumn Open Days
Abingdon School:
Saturday 3 October 9.30am-12.30pm
Abingdon Prep:
Saturday 10 October 10.00am-12.00pm*
Sixth Form Open Evening:
Tuesday 6 October 4.30pm-7pm
Booking recommended
*Abingdon Prep is a ten minute drive from
the Senior School at Frilford OX13 5NX
From September 2015, Waste Court
will be known as Austin House and the
housemaster will be James Golding. The
decision to rename Waste Court has been
debated over the last ten years and with the
change in housemaster it is an opportunity to
make the house name permanent in keeping
with other houses that contain boarders:
School House and Crescent House.
Why Austin House ?
Alan Murray Austin was the first Old
Abingdonian to lose his life in the First World
War when his ship, HMS Hawke, was
torpedoed in the North Sea on 15 October
1914. It is therefore fitting in the centenary of
the First World War to commemorate Alan
Murray Austin. More details about Alan can
be found in the School’s online archive:
Back to the 70s
Waste Court
Lower School Art Club has been
looking back to the seventies by
creating tie dye T-shirts.
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