Congratulations to Jamie
Farrow in the Upper Sixth,
who has won a place as
a tenor in the prestigious
National Youth Choir of
Great Britain.
The second years travelled to Bath to visit the remains of Aquae Sulis, setting for many of the
stories they are currently studying in the Cambridge Latin Course. They explored the baths
and the temple complex, as well as reading some of the Latin inscriptions on tombstones
and defixiones (curse tablets). The trip ended with the opportunity to taste the water of the
sacred spring - an experience which was not universally enjoyed!
Bellringers pass
the test
Third years Francesco Bartolini and Joe
Nicholas passed Level 1 of the ART Learning
the Ropes bellringing course. Having started
from scratch in September, they have both
made excellent progress and are now able
to ring confidently as part of a group.
In the prestigious National Schools Chess
Championship, Abingdon narrowly defeated
a strong Horris Hill team, coached by
Grandmaster Nicholas Pert, to reach the
regional final, where they will face last year’s
national runners up Reading Grammar
School. Abingdon’s team was Ray Ren,
Joseph Truran, Jeff Abraham, Jerry Yang,
Thitipat Ditrungroj and Richard Oh. Ray,
Jerry and Thitipat have also been battling
for Abingdon in the Oxford and District
Chess League, improving with every
encounter against tough local opposition.
Exploring Latin
Under Starter’s Orders
The 2017 Road Relay gets underway with nearly
600 boys, staff and OAs competing.