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Arabic for Beginners

Beginners Arabic offers an introduction to speaking,

reading and writing modern standard Arabic, loosely

following the course ‘Mastering Arabic’ by Jane

Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar. Our aim over the course

of two years is to gain enough confidence to tackle most

simple written Arabic with the aid of a dictionary and the

ability to speak with confidence about our family, school,

travel essentials (ordering food in restaurants) etc.

Archaeology & Classics Club

This club offers the opportunity to learn about life in the

Ancient World in many different civilisations, including the

Egyptians, Persians, Vikings, and of course the Greeks

and Romans. The club also learns how archaeologists

piece together information about past societies – and

most excitingly there is the opportunity to excavate.

Activities include watching films and documentaries,

making models and posters, learning to use

archaeological techniques, and how to dig.

Classics Society

We offer a range of events throughout the year enabling

boys to pursue their interest in the Ancient World beyond

the confines of the various syllabuses. Speakers are

invited from universities and other schools on a variety of

historical and literary topics, but there are also trips to

plays, various museums and classical sites in Britain, as

well as further afield. Those not studying classical

subjects are welcome to attend.

Geography GIS Club

An exciting opportunity to explore geography through

digital mapping software called GIS (Geographical

Information Systems).

Navigate the globe, create your own datasets and maps,

and explore the world through this virtual software.

Joint Literary Society

Do you want to broaden your mind, read more widely,

become more interesting, cultured, imaginative, and

generally well-versed in intellectual discussion? The Joint

Literary Society is a chance to read and discuss literature

from around, above, beyond, below, and indeed nowhere

near the syllabus. Here you can encounter writing and

ideas from the most classic to the most contemporary of

writers and become a literary critic and connoisseur in the

company of Abingdon’s and St Helen’s finest minds.

Rumour has it that the eating of cake may also be a

central feature of this society.

If you are interested in reading, literature, culture,

discussion and cake, or indeed you are considering

applying to read English at university, then please do

come along.

Joint Modern Languages Society

The Modern Languages department runs a series of

events throughout the year in conjunction with St Helen’s.

The Society is co-organised by a committee of sixth form

linguists at both schools. The Society is not only for boys

studying modern languages (French, German, Spanish,

Chinese, Italian, Russian...) but any sixth formers

interested in languages, language learning and other

cultures. Events include social evenings, dinners, film

showings, visits to the theatre/cinema and talk by visiting

speakers. Details published on an ad hoc basis.

Linguistics Club

This is a club run by students for students and focuses

on linguistic code breaking. Students will unravel a wide

range of rules for the formation of sounds, words and

sentences in a wide range of languages; this often leads

to surprising insights and always broadens cultural and

linguistic horizons.