September 2016
Career Guidance
Abingdon School aspires to help every pupil
think carefully about, and take practical
steps towards realising, his future career.
Towards this end, Abingdon has taken the
bold step of creating a new, full-time career
guidance role, recently appointing Michael
Triff as Head of Career Guidance and
Alumni Relations.
Mr Triff has designed and will now lead
the implementation of an exciting and
expansive Career Guidance Programme
which will take pupils aged 12-18 (Year 2 to U6) on a journey of self-discovery, helping
them to identify potential careers to which they are well suited, understand and
experience the world of work, make educational choices informed by careers planning
and learn key skills needed to gain future employment.
The Programme will combine online and printed career information; timetabled career
lessons; employability skills workshops and mentoring; one-to-one career advice
meetings; tutor group career activities; and a wide range of events and activities including
speaker lunches, advice evenings, trips to career fairs and conferences and work
experience schemes.
Every year group will enjoy a set of bespoke activities designed for its step in this journey,
with one year’s activities smoothly transitioning into that of the next year. This design will
ensure coherence from year to year and put pupils in the best position possible to make
informed educational choices at the end of each key stage in their education: GSCE,
A-Level, and all post-18 options, including Higher Education.
Supporting the delivery of this Programme are teachers, tutors, parents and Old
Abingdonians as well as carefully selected suppliers of career education, information,
advice and guidance.
For more information, contact Mr Triff on
Thanks to the generosity of parents,
Old Abingdonians, the Abingdon
School Parents’ Association (ASPA), the
Josca’s Parents’ Association and the
Second-Hand Uniform Shop, a total of
£223,000 was donated to Abingdon
School during 2015-16. £173,000 was
donated for bursaries, while £50,000
was donated for a range of special
projects for pupils. In addition, the
School also received legacies from
two Old Abingdonians and one former
teacher totalling £26,000.
£223,000 raised during 2015-16
for bursaries and special
projects for pupils
Old Abingdonians return to school to offer
career advice to sixth form students.