Abingdon News No. 68

Welcome to Abingdon After their first week of settling into life at secondary school, and enjoying exploring the Lower School houseroom, some of our 64 new First Years share their thoughts... “I have come from a really, really small school and so it has been quite exciting to make some new friends.” “It was great to have a variety of lessons some of which I have never had before, such as Chemistry, Art and Latin.” “I’ve really loved trying new things in the Other Half. I had never, before this week, tried either yoga or chess.” “Lunchtimes have been exceptional, and I always find myself pressing the smiley face on the feedback machine!” “I have felt so encouraged to do my best and the Lower School Assistants have been very friendly, supportive and helpful.” A group of students, who took part in the Third Year Citizenship programme, created a series of displays on the theme of transport, routes and connections for Abingdon Heritage Weekend in September. These were exhibited in the historic Roysse Room, where the school was located before moving to Park Road. Abingdon Heritage Weekend 3 abingdon.org.uk The Third Year gardening group got to work in the school garden this autumn, managing to harvest some cucumbers." Deputy Head (Pastoral), Mrs Keevil, enjoyed lunch this term with a number of our Lower School pupils. True ambassadors of the school, they spoke with pride, ambition and excitement about all the opportunities there are at Abingdon to lead. Mrs Keevil was also impressed by their humility and gratitude for being at Abingdon. Green fingered True advocates On 18 October, staff and students came together and wore red to show their support for anti-racism. Supporting anti-racism