Abingdon News No. 68

17 abingdon.org.uk In November, five primary schools took part in an exciting marketing challenge to design a Christmas snack. With the help of Sixth Form business students, the pupils created a selection of colourful and innovative products including marshmallow buns and cake pops containing courgette! They considered both the health benefits of their snacks, as well as the impact on the environment. The panel of judges were very impressed by their posters, teamwork and presentations. Monday 7 October saw a new sports partnership develop between Abingdon School, Abingdon Prep and Hagbourne Primary School. The collaboration saw 50 pupils receive a rugby skills session delivered at Cox’s Fields by Abingdon School Sixth Form rugby players, under the guidance of Mr Gold, Director of Rugby at Abingdon Senior School and Mr Birkbeck, Director of Sport at Abingdon Prep. The session explored dynamic movement through a warm up and then looked at handling, passing and positional play before ending with a game of tag rugby. The Sixth Form students developed skills associated with coaching including leadership, communication and planning, while the younger pupils enjoyed an active afternoon in the sun playing sport and learning new skills with peers from a different school. All in all, it was a great success and we look forward to building on this event in future. Good sports Anyone for elevenses? Climate impact Aimed at mirroring COP29, 12 students from the OX14 Learning Partnership attended the Oxfordshire Schools Climate Conference in November. Students were able to discuss climate impact and mitigation on cities, energy, forest, food and oceans and also heard from climate scientist and activist Matthew Shribman. On 23 November, 75 students from across the OX14 partnership came into School to participate in a model United Nations day which focused, for the first time, on running the International Court of Justice. Briefing papers, procedure documents, witness statements and testimonials were all at the ready, alongside the more usual committee debates. The Chairs ranged from Fourth Year to Upper Sixth students and there was phenomenal energy in the room as all bravely contributed. AbingMUN in Partnership Abingdon School