Abingdon News No. 68

11 abingdon.org.uk Biscuit making (in German) In November, First Year members of the MFL baking club attended the Oxford German Network Weihnachtsplätzchenbackwettbewerb (biscuit making competition). They took a range of German Plätzchen, took part in Christmas crafts and a quiz and met other pupils learning German across Oxfordshire. The pupils were proud winners of the "Most Beautiful Biscuits" category- fantastisch! News Abingdon A festive party was held for Abingdon residents in the last week of term. There was a tasty afternoon tea, carols played by our fantastic musicians in the community ensemble, a quiz and raffle with lots of lovely prizes. Everybody had fun and enjoyed the seasonal atmosphere. Christmas tea party In November, Fifth Year academic scholars visited the Natural History Museum in Oxford, where the highlight was the opportunity to handle some hissing cockroaches! The group were then given a guided tour of the Bodleian Library. Founded in 1602, it is one of the oldest libraries in Europe and houses over 13 million printed items, making it the second largest library in the UK. Lunch was followed by a tour of New College, Oxford which was hosted by some recent OAs. The trip culminated in a visit to the Ashmolean Museum where the students had the opportunity to complete some project work. Scholars visit Oxford Six cadets attended RAF Little Rissington and 612 Volunteer Gliding Squadron in December for their first experience of gliding. A break in the weather meant all six cadets got to experience two winch launches before taking control of the aircraft. They also practised attaching the winch cable and steadying the wings. It was an excellent experience. Gliding high On the final day of term, the entire school gathered at St Helen's Church for a beautiful service. Featuring readings and carols, it was a fitting way to celebrate the festive season. Noel