abingdon.org.uk/prep 7 IN SCHOOL As part of their PSHCE lessons, Year 6 pupils learned how to administer first aid for cuts and burns in a practical session with our school nurse, Debbie. They particularly enjoyed bandaging imaginary wounds and fathoming how to put a sling on. Certainly some future medics in the making! HOUSE CHARITIES The first House event of the new school year was to choose House charities. The pupils were asked to pitch for a local charity with an environmental theme for their House to support over the year. Following a letter to parents and lots of encouragement in assemblies and form times, many pupils put forward their chosen charities. Some great speeches were made and a lot of fun was had in the voting. Four brilliant charities were chosen following some convincing propositions. The first fundraising event was Unicorn’s Tuck Shop in aid of the Marine Conservation society raising £366.30! The shoe stacking challenge is one of the most loved events of the House meeting calendar. All were committed to building the biggest tower possible with their own footwear before it collapsed. The Buddy Groups split up to build their own edifices, with staff passing on tips as to how to build a strong base to avoid collapse. Unicorn were the winners on this occasion, as they managed to build a tower that reached the giddy height of one metre! HOUSE SHOE STACKING ECO GROUP were keen to start litter picks this term, and enthusiastically explored the school grounds equipped with grabbers and bin bags. They were pleased to report that between the first and second pick, they noticed a reduction in the amount of litter found. Meanwhile, Katy launched a fantastic DT competition, which involved designing and creating a sustainable item, and Eco were delighted to be asked to help judge it. They were in awe at the entrants’ efforts and it was clear pupils had put a lot of time, effort and thought into each item. In the second half of term, Eco Group worked to organise a Festive Jump Swap Shop and asked for families to donate any old or unwanted festive jumpers. Though we received around twenty jumpers, the group thought long and hard, eventually deciding to keep hold of the jumpers and look for more donations to go bigger and better next year, with a larger array of stock on display. In the meantime, the donated jumpers were able to be borrowed by any pupils who may not have had a jumper to wear on festive jumper day. Finally, the pupils got creative with Sherrey, who hosted a sustainable Christmas craft event for Eco Club. FIRST AID IN YEAR 6 MEET YOUR SCHOOL COUNCIL 2024-25 Congratulations to our new School Council form reps, who we are sure will do a very good job this year. After receiving their badges from Richard, they were given their first task by Rachel, to look at choosing new Other Half clubs for the coming year. In their second meeting they started to look at themes for House Meetings. DT COMPETITION WINNER