APS News 40

abingdon.org.uk/prep 13 PRE-PREP PRE-PREP AUTUMN TRIPS RECEPTION’S FIRST DAYS AT SCHOOL Our newest and youngest members of Abingdon Prep, joining Reception, got stuck straight into school life from the moment they arrived. YEAR 2 AT COMBE MILL RECEPTION AT COGGES FARM In their second week they were baking, making delicious blackberry and apple crumble with Claire and Paula from Sodexo. YEAR 1 WENT TO YOULBURY Year 2 pupils were fascinated by seeing all the old machinery and the forge at Combe Mill near Blenheim. After lunch, they tried traditional crafts to make willow baskets. Year 1 undertook outdoor activities at the Scout Camp at Youlbury. They carried logs to build a shelter, and cooked their lunch of pizza and bananas on the griddle. Reception made the first of two visits to Cogges Farm, where they followed the story of the ‘Little Red Hen’, collecting eggs, planting corn and baking bread.