" Pastoral School is a place of discovery, where individuals learn about themselves and the world around them and, at its best, it is a hugely exhilarating, fun and rewarding time. We want our young people to be emotionally and mentally healthy so they are able to fully enjoy their school experience - and to help each other do the same. This is one of the reasons we have such a strong emphasis on community. Every student belongs to a House throughout their time at Abingdon, creating a sense of family and putting them in the care of a dedicated Head of House. Each student also has a personal tutor, who they meet with every day. Our peer mentoring system encourages our students to look out for one another. We also have dedicated time within our timetable to think and talk about key issues including healthy living, rights and responsibilities, self-esteem and relationships. This creates a learning environment which develops our students intellectually and emotionally, giving them a balanced perspective on life and encouraging them to grow in resilience, confidence, generosity and kindness. “A strong culture of pastoral care, provided through an effective house system, which means that pupils are known by teachers.” ISI Inspection 4