Abingdon School Prospectus

" Academic Success isn’t just about hard work. Success stems from passion and curiosity - which is why it is a natural outcome of an Abingdon education. The breadth and depth of our subjects, together with our encouragement of independent thinking, mean that each student can follow their own interests and strengths to thrive and succeed. Our academic offering combines a wide variety of traditional academic subjects with contemporary disciplines, practical classes, cultural trips and the arts - all taught by our enthusiastic, expert staff who love to spark creative thinking and passionate debate, making learning a challenging and compelling experience for every individual in the class. This means that our young people leave Abingdon with some of the best results in the country, well equipped to continue their learning at any of the world’s top universities and to enjoy fulfilling futures of exploration, discovery and accomplishment. 1:9 teacher student ratio 96 tutor groups - each student is known and cared for “Pupils demonstrate extensive knowledge and understanding across all subjects.” ISI Inspection 3