Abingdon School Prospectus

Move to co-education From September 2026, Abingdon will welcome girls into our First Year and Lower Sixth Form as the first step to becoming fully co-educational. Our key task as educators is to prepare our young people for life after school. We believe the best preparation is to educate boys and girls alongside one another in the classroom so they are ready for a world in which men and women work, study and live together side by side. We also want to be able to offer the strength of an Abingdon education to both girls and boys. We are very proud of our educational offering with our focus on the life of the mind and developing the intellectual curiosity of our pupils. Our Other Half programme provides a huge range of co-curricular activities, each designed to promote the personal development of our pupils. Both these elements are underpinned by an outstanding pastoral system, based on our Houses, which ensures every pupil is known, valued and supported as they make their way through the school. We look forward to welcoming the first girls to Abingdon in 2026. Sixth Form Entry from September 2026 Third Year Entry from September 2028 First Year Entry from September 2026 Abingdon School will be fully co-educational from September 2030 2