Abingdon School Prospectus

The school day Below is an example of timings for the school day. We shape the timetable to get the right balance. Timings do vary across year groups and from day to day. 8.35am 8.45am 9.00 - 9.50am 10.00 - 10.50am 10.50 - 11.10am 11.15am - 12.10pm 12.20 - 1.10pm 1.10 - 2.00pm 2.00 - 2.55pm 3.05 - 4.00pm 4.00 - 5.05pm 5.20pm Buses arrive - students in school and meet with tutors Assembly or Chapel Period 1: Lessons for all Period 2: Lessons for all Break - an opportunity to relax with friends, visit the Café, houseroom, library etc Period 3: Lessons for all Period 4: Lunch / Other Half activities / tutorial / assembly for some, lessons for others Period 5: Lunch / Other Half activities / tutorial / assembly for all on some days Period 6: Lunch / Other Half activities / assembly for some, lessons for others Period 7: Lessons for all (except Wednesdays when Other Half activities take place for all) Period 8: Other Half activities Buses depart 16