Excellence We want to ensure that we provide opportunities for our most able sportsmen to excel and Abingdon has a proud record of success at international, national and regional levels. The quality of our facilities and programme attracts large numbers of highly able sportsmen and we support them in their sporting development, when appropriate, working closely with coaches from their clubs or academies. Though we prize success, we are not prepared to achieve it at all costs and we do not lower our academic standards to attract particular individuals to our school and artificially bolster our sporting prowess. Community Sport plays an important role in bringing people together and we want all within our community, whether participant or supporter, to be positively involved in our sporting endeavours and achievements. We are fortunate to receive exceptional support through our parent organisations - the Hockey Griffens, Touchliners, FASBC and the Boot Room - and we share with them a commitment to ensure that those representing the school in sport, as well as parents and visitors, have a high quality experience which is both welcoming and supportive. Key elements of sport Page 04