The key elements which underpin our approach to sport are choice, participation, excellence and community. Choice We want each of our students to find an activity that will offer them fulfilment and enjoyment. We do want our pupils in Lower School (Years 7 and 8) to be exposed to a number of key sports, with a particular emphasis on rugby, hockey and cricket. From the 3rd Year, however, the choice broadens significantly and students have far greater freedom in selecting which sports to play, facilities and staffing permitting. While we promote choice, we value the opportunity to play competitive sport against other schools and know that students relish the chance to test their skills and abilities in a competitive environment. We are, therefore, focused on preserving these opportunities in a number of focus sports: cricket, football, hockey, rowing and rugby. However, students opting for other sports will still be presented with exciting opportunities for competition. Participation Every student at Abingdon is to participate in sport as we firmly believe in its value in terms of health, wellbeing, life skills and resilience. We deploy our resources to enhance the experience for all our students and want them to enjoy their sporting life at school, whatever their individual level of achievement. We also expect them to support one another and to give of their best, just as we do when it comes to their academic work. Key elements of sport Page 03