Kit lists Compulsory Optional Abingdon white PE polo shirt Abingdon reversible rugby shirt Abingdon cricket shirt Abingdon black shorts White socks Abingdon black games socks Trainers Rugby / football boots Black swimming trunks Abingdon swim cap Abingdon tracksuit top and bottoms Mouthguard Shin pads Base layers - black or white only Cricket whites Abingdon cricket sweater Abingdon athletics vest Abingdon baseball cap Abingdon holdall Abingdon boot bag Abingdon water bottle 1st and 2nd Years Compulsory Optional Abingdon white PE polo shirt Abingdon black shorts White socks Trainers Black swimming trunks Abingdon swim cap Abingdon tracksuit top and bottoms Base layers - black or white only Abingdon cricket sweater Abingdon athletics vest Abingdon baseball cap Abingdon holdall Abingdon boot bag Abingdon water bottle 3rd, 4th and 5th Years Core Sport: Rugby Abingdon reversible rugby shirt Abingdon black games socks Rugby / football boots Mouthguard Core Sport: Hockey or Football Abingdon pink games shirt Abingdon black games socks Astros / trainers or football boots Mouthguard (hockey) Shin pads Core Sport: Cricket Abingdon cricket shirt Cricket whites Core Sport: Rowing Abingdon rowing suit Abingdon rowing splash top Dependent on what Core Sports your child chooses they will need the following compulsory clothing in excess of the items listed above: Page 13