Sport and PE


Contact details Contact details of all relevant members of staff can be found by visiting Abingdon sports department emergency number: 01235 422858 Director of Sport and PE, Mr Hanslip, can be contacted via email: [email protected] Table of Contents Welcome 02 Key elements of sport 03 Sports programme 05 09 Fixtures & match day protocols Medical provision 07 12 Sports kit 13 Kit list - Lower and Middle School 14 Kit list - Sixth Form Page 01 Facilities 08

Sport plays a central role in the journey of Abingdon pupils in various different forms, whilst also providing the platform in which pupils form some of their fondest memories throughout their time at school. We aim to provide a range of sporting experiences and opportunities; inspiring, nurturing, encouraging and challenging pupils to seek engagement with, and enjoyment from, sport and physical activity, in order to develop their abilities to the full. Now, more than ever, sport is valued far beyond its physical benefits, and students form inter-personal qualities and life skills alongside communication and leadership abilities within our programme of traditional sports, which is enhanced and supported by a wide range of alternative options and delivered through our four separate programmes - Core Sport, Physical Education, Other Half Sport and Athletic Development. These programmes, together with further information on the sporting structures, systems and expectations at Abingdon are outlined within the following pages. I very much look forward to welcoming you to Abingdon. Mark Hanslip Director of Sport and PE Welcome Page 02

The key elements which underpin our approach to sport are choice, participation, excellence and community. Choice We want each of our students to find an activity that will offer them fulfilment and enjoyment. We do want our pupils in Lower School (Years 7 and 8) to be exposed to a number of key sports, with a particular emphasis on rugby, hockey and cricket. From the 3rd Year, however, the choice broadens significantly and students have far greater freedom in selecting which sports to play, facilities and staffing permitting. While we promote choice, we value the opportunity to play competitive sport against other schools and know that students relish the chance to test their skills and abilities in a competitive environment. We are, therefore, focused on preserving these opportunities in a number of focus sports: cricket, football, hockey, rowing and rugby. However, students opting for other sports will still be presented with exciting opportunities for competition. Participation Every student at Abingdon is to participate in sport as we firmly believe in its value in terms of health, wellbeing, life skills and resilience. We deploy our resources to enhance the experience for all our students and want them to enjoy their sporting life at school, whatever their individual level of achievement. We also expect them to support one another and to give of their best, just as we do when it comes to their academic work. Key elements of sport Page 03

Excellence We want to ensure that we provide opportunities for our most able sportsmen to excel and Abingdon has a proud record of success at international, national and regional levels. The quality of our facilities and programme attracts large numbers of highly able sportsmen and we support them in their sporting development, when appropriate, working closely with coaches from their clubs or academies. Though we prize success, we are not prepared to achieve it at all costs and we do not lower our academic standards to attract particular individuals to our school and artificially bolster our sporting prowess. Community Sport plays an important role in bringing people together and we want all within our community, whether participant or supporter, to be positively involved in our sporting endeavours and achievements. We are fortunate to receive exceptional support through our parent organisations - the Hockey Griffens, Touchliners, FASBC and the Boot Room - and we share with them a commitment to ensure that those representing the school in sport, as well as parents and visitors, have a high quality experience which is both welcoming and supportive. Key elements of sport Page 04

Michaelmas Lent Summer Cross-Country Cross-Country Athletics Health Related Exercise * Football Cricket Rackets Hockey Rowing Rugby Rackets ** Tennis Swimming Rowing Water Polo * Rowing ** Swimming Sports programme Michaelmas Lent Summer Badminton Badminton Athletics Cross-Country Cross-Country Cricket Health Related Exercise Football Health Related Exercise Rowing Health Related Exercise Rowing Rugby Hockey Tennis Squash Rowing Volleyball Swimming Rugby 7s Water Polo Tennis Squash Hockey Swimming Core Sport: This forms part of every student's timetable and all lessons occur in the afternoon. In the 1st and 2nd Year, students receive one lesson each week from a fixed curriculum of rugby, hockey and cricket. In the 3rd to 5th Year and the Sixth Form, students receive two lessons each week from a choice based options system. 3rd, 4th and 5th Years *4th and 5th Years only **5th Year only Sixth Form Page 05 (Badminton or Squash) (Badminton, Squash or Table Tennis)

Physical Education: This is a timetabled activity for all students in Lower School (1st and 2nd Year) and Middle School (3rd to 5th Year). The curriculum focuses on activities that are predominantly not defined as ‘traditional games' such as swimming, health related exercise, gymnastics and athletics. In 1st Year to 3rd Year: students receive one 50 minute lesson each week. In 4th Year and 5th Year: students received one 50 minute lesson each fortnight. Other Half Sport: Offered outside students timetabled lessons, the Other Half expands sporting opportunities as well as providing an extension to the Sports curriculum. These sessions are run during lunchtimes, after academic lessons during period 8, the Wednesday afternoon Other Half slot and at weekends. There is an extremely wide range of options available and students choose what activities they would like to do each term, in consultation with their tutor. Athletic Development: Our Athletic Development programme has been implemented in the Physical Education and Core Sport curriculums; as well as the Other Half opportunities. It focuses on holistic and long-term training with the aim of benefiting the health, well-being and physical literacy of all students as they progress through School into adulthood. As part of this approach, students will learn to become accountable for their actions within sport, PE and daily exercise. This helps to create an appreciation for the countless health benefits that exercise has to offer, along with solidifying life-long habits. Sports programme Page 06

We are aware that participation in sport brings with it a risk of injury and we would like to reassure parents that the following provision is available in the event a student does become injured: Health Centre: Our onsite Health Centre provides care to students who are unwell or injured. Medical practitioners: A doctor, paramedic or qualified first aider is present pitch-side for all contact sports fixtures. They are easily identifiable in Hi-Vis jackets. Physiotherapist: Our school physiotherapist can provide students with injury triage assessment on a Monday, free of charge. Each member of staff can put forward a student for assessment, so if your child has sustained an injury (especially if it is not obvious), please make sure they inform a member of staff. Further treatment: Following this initial assessment, your child may be advised to return to training; given a short-term action plan; or be referred for further treatment. Physiotherapy treatment is offered on a Wednesday afternoon and can be booked through the School physiotherapist. This is charged to students at a reduced rate. Further information is available in the School Health Centre or in the physio suite within the Sports Centre. Medical provision Page 07

Our extensive sports facilities are located between four main sites as follows: Senior School We are fortunate to have a number of sports pitches on our senior School site and these are utilised throughout the course of the year for rugby, football and cricket. In addition, our Sports Centre accommodates multi-sport activities, including badminton, volleyball, basketball and indoor hockey and has space for four cricket lanes. In addition, there are two squash courts, a fitness suite, a climbing wall and a large multi-purpose studio, ergo suite, as well as an eight lane indoor swimming pool. Boat Club Our Boat Club is situated on Wilsham Road, about a mile from the School site. In addition to having direct access onto the river, it features its own ergo suite for training, as well as being well equipped with a variety of boats. Tilsley Park Abingdon School took over the management of Tilsley Park in 2014 and since then has undertaken a comprehensive programme of improvement and investment. Today, Tilsley Park offers some of the best sports facilities in the area. We have use of a 3G rugby / football pitch, two full-size ATP hockey pitches and a running track. This offers all-year-round, high-quality floodlit sports facilities. Cox’s Fields Some sports matches are played at Cox’s Fields which is located at Abingdon Prep School - 4 miles from Abingdon School at Frilford. There are six rugby / football pitches and three cricket squares that we regularly use for training and fixtures. Facilities Page 08

All information on fixtures, including team sheets, results, locations and staff contact details for all sports can be found on and we recommend parents add this to their favourites. If accessed from a mobile device, this webpage loads as a mobile app. Expectations In order for us to honour our competitive fixtures list and provide the well-documented benefits team sport can provide, the School expects every student to be available for all sports fixtures within their own core sport and other half options. We ask for parents’ support in this matter. We do, however, recognise that there may be exceptional circumstances (such as a family wedding) where students are unable to participate on a Saturday. On these rare occasions, leave can be requested by emailing the Headmaster and copying in the Director of Sport. Please provide as much notice as possible, and at least one week in advance. Selection policy Team selection and management is the prerogative of the team coach (or coaches). They give due diligence to the selection of players within particular teams and, throughout the course of the year, continually review and assess a child’s ability and potential. As a result, they are best qualified to take all factors into consideration and to make the right decision for the team as a whole, endeavouring to strike a balance between encouraging excellence and giving opportunities for all. It can be disheartening for a child to be dropped from a team but our coaches will always explain why this has happened. Not all children can be in ‘A’ teams but it is also very important that those who are, do not boast or criticise the play of those who aren’t as this can be very hurtful and undermining and the School will not condone this behaviour. Team sheets Parents are asked to presume their child is in the squad for their chosen sport unless informed to the contrary. Team sheets are published on the Thursday ahead of a Saturday fixture; and on a Monday evening ahead of a mid-week fixture. Sometimes, however, selection is only finalised a day beforehand, so please bear with us. In addition to being published on the website, players will be informed verbally about selection. It is the responsibility of parents and students to check the team sheets and we recommend this is done the day before a fixture. Fixtures & match day protocols Page 09

Timings We work on the principle that students should be at the venue to change and warm up, approximately 1 hour before the published start time. Parents should normally allow 2 hours for the duration of the match, to include changing and match tea. For away fixtures, travel time also needs to be taken into consideration for a departure and return time. Please be aware that all listed times are provisional and, on rare occasions, weather conditions may result in start times or locations having to be rescheduled. Cancellations In the event of an on the day cancellation, students and parents will be informed by email. We strongly advise parents to regularly check the fixture card throughout each term on Direct travel to and from a fixture If students are travelling directly to a fixture, it is important they report to their teacher as soon as the rest of the squad arrives; likewise if they are travelling directly home with parents at the end of a fixture, they should let their teacher know. Fixtures & match day protocols Page 10

Illness on the day of a fixture In the event your child is unable to attend a Saturday fixture due to illness, we ask parents to contact the relevant member of staff in the first instance (details on so that replacement players can be sought. Parents may also use the sports department emergency number (on page 1) or contact the Director of Sport. Uniform Students are expected to wear school uniform prior to, and after, all sports fixtures (unless specified to the contrary on the team sheet). Students should wear Abingdon sports kit, as requested by their chosen sport (outlined in the School Uniform section of the website) at all matches and training (this may mean a quick turnaround in the washing machine on a Friday). Match tea All players are expected to attend the post match hospitality provided and to socialise with their own team and, where possible, the opposition team. We firmly believe this is a vital aspect of the sporting provision, helping players’ bodies recover from the physical exertion of the match and also offering students a time to reflect on, and talk about, their individual and team performance. Spectators Parental encouragement can be of great benefit to players and the wider team and so we warmly welcome parents to attend fixtures - both home and away. Fixtures & match day protocols Page 11

Students are expected to wear the correct kit for all lessons, training and fixtures. Kit for core sport and physical education is compulsory and is listed below. Additional kit from the ‘optional list’ may be needed but will be dependent on the sports selections your child makes during the course of the academic year. Given how quickly children can grow, it is recommended that kit for use in the summer term is not bought at the beginning of the academic year. Where to source Abingdon sports kit can be purchased through our uniform supplier, Stevensons. Kit (including hockey sticks and tennis rackets) is also available to buy through the Abingdon Second Hand Uniform Shop (SUS) which is located on the main School site in Faringdon Lodge. Sizing and labelling To ensure you obtain the correct size kit for your child, we would recommend checking the ‘sizing guide’ on Stevensons website and, where possible, trying kit on prior to purchase. We are a large School so it is vital that all kit is clearly labelled with your child’s full name so that, in the event it gets mislaid, it can be easily returned to your child. Sports kit Page 12

Kit lists Compulsory Optional Abingdon white PE polo shirt Abingdon reversible rugby shirt Abingdon cricket shirt Abingdon black shorts White socks Abingdon black games socks Trainers Rugby / football boots Black swimming trunks Abingdon swim cap Abingdon tracksuit top and bottoms Mouthguard Shin pads Base layers - black or white only Cricket whites Abingdon cricket sweater Abingdon athletics vest Abingdon baseball cap Abingdon holdall Abingdon boot bag Abingdon water bottle 1st and 2nd Years Compulsory Optional Abingdon white PE polo shirt Abingdon black shorts White socks Trainers Black swimming trunks Abingdon swim cap Abingdon tracksuit top and bottoms Base layers - black or white only Abingdon cricket sweater Abingdon athletics vest Abingdon baseball cap Abingdon holdall Abingdon boot bag Abingdon water bottle 3rd, 4th and 5th Years Core Sport: Rugby Abingdon reversible rugby shirt Abingdon black games socks Rugby / football boots Mouthguard Core Sport: Hockey or Football Abingdon pink games shirt Abingdon black games socks Astros / trainers or football boots Mouthguard (hockey) Shin pads Core Sport: Cricket Abingdon cricket shirt Cricket whites Core Sport: Rowing Abingdon rowing suit Abingdon rowing splash top Dependent on what Core Sports your child chooses they will need the following compulsory clothing in excess of the items listed above: Page 13

Compulsory Core Sport: Rugby Abingdon 6th Form hooped rugby shirt Abingdon black shorts Abingdon black games socks Abingdon tracksuit top and bottoms Rugby / football boots Mouthguard Core Sport: Hockey or Football Abingdon 6th Form hockey/football shirt Abingdon black shorts Abingdon black games socks Abingdon tracksuit top and bottoms Astros / trainers or football boots Mouthguard (hockey) Shin pads Core Sport: Cricket Abingdon cricket shirt Cricket whites Core Sport: Rowing Abingdon rowing suit Abingdon rowing splash top Core Sport: Athletics / Badminton / Cross-Country / Health Related Exercise / Squash / Tennis / Volleyball Abingdon white PE polo shirt Abingdon black shorts White socks Trainers Core Sport: Swimming / Water Polo Black swimming trunks Abingdon swim cap Optional Abingdon tracksuit top Abingdon tracksuit bottoms Base layers - black or white only Abingdon cricket sweater Abingdon athletics vest Abingdon baseball cap Abingdon holdall Abingdon boot bag Abingdon water bottle Kit lists Sixth Form Dependant on what Core Sports your child chooses they will need the following compulsory clothing: Page 14 Last updated: September 2024