Sixth Form Prospectus

Here’s what Abingdon offers At Abingdon, we fit our timetable around the subjects our students want to study which means we are able to accommodate almost all of the nearly 150 combinations of A Level subjects that our students want to take. In most years, we teach around 25 subjects. Placed at the heart of the school, the Sixth Form centre occupies the ground floor of Beech Court and has university-style facilities including open plan social learning spaces, social and private study areas, meeting rooms, outside seating and collaborative work areas. Sixth Formers have easy access to the careers office, UCAS facilities and Library - all of which are based in the same building. A Level choices and curriculum Sixth Form Centre Alongside the main curriculum, we offer a number of academic extension opportunities including the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Usually, it’s also possible to offer GCSE languages (German and Spanish) as well as a Creative Writing qualification. Those seeking higher level study in specific subjects (particularly those aiming for High Tier university destinations) will find that departments provide academic extension sessions, support for competition entries and writing opportunities. We also provide comprehensive support for pre-interview assessments that are required for many degrees. Academic Extension Students initially study four subjects in the Lower Sixth, with the option to focus on three from the Lent term of the Lower Sixth. There is provision for those students wishing to pursue four subjects to A Level, or five subjects if studying Further Maths. Class sizes range from 5 to 16, averaging around 12 or 13. A Level results by subject. Details of sixth form curriculum. Further information