SPORTS PARTNERSHIPS As well as providing sports coaching in local schools, we have also introduced a Primary Multisport club as well as collaborating on a range of sporting events. Sixth form Sports scholars have supported the programme and gained valuable leadership and coaching skills. The swimming pool has been used to support school swimming lessons locally. Tilsley park continues to host sports days and other events while collaboration with the Abingdon Primary Partnership and local charities also enhance opportunities for young people to be more active. Student led multisport club Sports coaching in schools Support and facilities use for school sporting events Support for non swimmers Links with local sports charities and PE leads I value the opportunity to broaden my knowledge of coaching sports that aren't my main sport and helping children to get involved and enjoy the sports. My son has really enjoyed it and says he would 100% recommend it! I enjoyed it so much, the coaches were very friendly and in the end I understood football more than I used to before. I also liked mixing with new people. Parent Year 6 Multisport club attendee Abingdon Multisport club student coach