Abingdon School in Partnership

LEADERSHIP AND PEER SUPPORT Their work as part of the pastoral system is so important to younger students and they learn important skills for life in training sessions with other schools. The Peer Support Lead programme works with students across OX14 Learning Partnership schools to train and deliver a collaborative programme for sixth form students. The PSL programme aims to enhance existing pastoral support structures in schools and bring students together to learn new skills. Students are trained in empathetic listening, creative loitering and mental health awareness to provide invaluable support. Students are also able to signpost students to helpful resources or further support. Training in a range of areas including safeguarding Development of empathetic and active listening skills Reflection sessions with other students and staff Being a Peer Support Lead has really helped my collaborative skills as it has allowed me to see different insights and ways of communicating. Academic Coaching is an embedded activity within our Partnership programme. Set up to train students in coaching skills, the sessions cover leadership, listening skills, the coaching conversation and safeguarding. After completing the training, students across schools work with younger peers to support them in their studies and academic goals. The programme is popular as it provides training in important future skills and allows students to work together. Year 13 Peer support lead student