Abingdon News No. 67

8 September 2024 News Abingdon Joint thinking supper In May, the last joint thinking supper of the academic year took place. Lower School academic award holders and pupils from St Helen and St Katharine had to work out the lowest possible speed a model car on a Hot Wheels Track can complete a full loop-theloop. Congratulations to Alex and Rafiq who were part of the winning team. In May, Second Year pupils visited the remains of Isca Silurum Roman fort in the modern town of Caerleon. They explored the impressive amphitheatre and learned about everyday life for the soldiers. Visit to Caerleon Bonne chance! In the weeks leading up to half term, Upper Sixth linguists enjoyed farewell dinners in restaurants in Oxford and Abingdon. It was a great opportunity to congratulate them on their hard work and to celebrate their achievements. We wish them all the best of luck for their futures. Geography students from our First Year enjoyed a visit to Hengistbury Head on the south coast in May. They conducted some coastal fieldwork and discussed the importance of the coastal defences along the beaches to combat longshore drift. Finishing the day with an ice-cream on the beach was probably their favourite bit! First Year Trip to Hengistbury Head Over a hundred students completed their Bronze expedition to the Wiltshire Downs in June. The conditions were perfect for hiking with cool temperatures and excellent visibility. The challenge was tackled in good spirits and students enjoyed seeing neolithic monuments at Avebury and famous white horse hill figures. Spirit of adventure