Abingdon News No. 67

Thanks to benefactor (and Mercer) John Roysse (OA 1500s), Abingdon is fortunate to host an annual lunch for supporters at Mercers’ Hall in the City. Guests enjoyed a tour of this illustrious livery company, taking in the stained glass panel of Roysse’s coat of arms, presented by the School in 2000, as well as a portrait bought at auction in 2021. The Mercers’ are a generous supporter of past capital projects and our Partnership programmes. September 2024 Development Abingdon Lunch at Mercers’ Hall - a living legacy from John Roysse After lunch, and addresses from the Chair of Governors and the Head, legacy society members were treated to an historical talk by our Archivist, Sarah Wearne. Sarah brought to life stories of young OAs who served in the Normandy landings. Images of this lost generation were interspersed with original footage and contemporary memories from families, recorded by the Abingdon Film Unit. School tours were followed by a Chapel service led by The Rev’d Dr Simon Steer, during which OAs were invited to share memories of when they were at school. 30 On Friday 28 June, donors and volunteers gathered for the Head’s annual garden party. This is an opportunity for us to thank the many members of the Abingdon community who support initiatives such as our bursary programme, boarding project, and other areas of school life. Summer Garden Party On 16 April, Robert Pooley, owner of Pooley Sword Ltd., visited with Chris Pickup (OA 1960), retired Army officer and former Regimental Colonel of the Army Air Corps. Robert gifted a stunning ceremonial sword to the Head, to be presented annually to an outstanding CCF cadet. After some sword drill instruction, senior cadets and CCF staff enjoyed lunch in the new Pavilion, then a tour of our CCF facilities. The Abingdon Sword of Honour was then formally presented. Based on a classic infantry sword, the blade is finely engraved with the Abingdon Griffen and the insignia of King Charles III. 1563 Society Lunch Sword of Honour