Abingdon News No. 67

11 abingdon.org.uk Sustainability Day On 20 May, Third Years took part in a Sustainability Day. One Planet Abingdon and Enso Energy gave a talk; students were shown the biodiversity sites around the School; Lower Sixth Psychology students led sessions on techniques to encourage behavioural change and there were activities on how sustainability could be improved. Thank you or well done To build on the recent visit by the I Can and I Am bus during which Lower School talked about keeping their balloons of self-belief inflated, a new system has been introduced to the Houseroom to enable the pupils to send postcard messages to each other to say "thank you" or "well done" for something. Some of the Lower School prefects opened the box in which the messages had been posted and took responsibility for delivering them to the recipients. Thorpe Park In May, thirty boarders enjoyed the annual trip to Thorpe Park. Glorious weather ensured all had a great thrill-filled day. Members of the Lower School Warhammer Club have been painting a range of miniatures this term and the results were judged by Mr Price. There were several high quality entries but the trophy went to Mark for his space marine model. Warhammer