Abingdon News No. 67

10 September 2024 News Abingdon In Mandarin, sustainability and fashion came together as Third Year students designed unique outfits using recyclable materials. With creativity and environmental consciousness in mind, they confidently showcased their creations in a mini fashion show conducted in Mandarin. Then they transformed their experience into high-standard news reports. Sustainability takes centre stage This year’s Lower School Production was performed for two nights in the Amey Theatre by First and Second Year pupils. The audience was transported on a magical journey with James and his weird and wonderful friends as they set off inside a peach on an extraordinary adventure. The Director said: “The rehearsal process was nothing short of a whirlwind of laughter, chaos, the occasional foghorn, singing, flying and metamorphosing! The cast worked tirelessly on bringing the production together and demonstrated a remarkable commitment - I could not be prouder of them. Very many thanks to all who came to support the performance.’ James and the Giant Peach In June, Lower School enjoyed workshops with former BMX World Champion Mike Mullen. He skilfully led the sessions, gradually building up the complexity of the tricks, and, by the end of their hour with him, everyone was completing stunts that initially seemed impossible. It really was an amazing two days of the Be More Griffen spirit fully on display. BMX There’s nothing like a good old fashioned water fight to let students blow off some steam and so it was on a warm Saturday evening that the perfect opportunity arose for Austin House boarders to test out the new water cannons. Needing to cool off