APS News 38

abingdon.org.uk/prep 23 LAURA FORMAN GEORGE MOORE Above all, George has combined his IT wizardry with a kind and caring manner, a willingness to get involved in wider school life, a patience beyond words and good humour. George, you will be sorely missed on the other end of the radio, but thank you for all you have done and we wish you every success in your exciting new IT role. Rachel Pairman Very sadly, George (or to give him his full name‘George-are-you-on-your-radioplease’) has left us after four years. Craig and I first met George when we interviewed him via the ether at the end of the first lockdown when Zoom was still relatively new to all of us. It wasn’t just Zoom but all of our other IT skills which improved exponentially over the coming years and George was at the forefront of patiently showing us, as staff, how to click, switch on, download, upload, connect and, if in any doubt, unplug at the wall, for a variety of devices, apps and programs. George has been heavily involved in supporting pupil learning through IT and helping us introduce and integrate a larger number of iPads and chrome books. He has run the ever popular 3D printing club, supported in speed typing club, helped out in lessons and offered his infinite wisdom in safer internet week. Laura has been with us on a year’s contract as a Junior Section TA, confidently turning herself to any task which is asked of her. She has run groups for Maths and English, she has taught Phonics, handwiriting and times tables. Laura is sensitive, thoughtful and intuitive, calm and organised, and always on time for her countless playground duties! Laura has been an outstanding TA this year, and we’re very sorry to say goodbye. We are extremely grateful to the families of our departing Year 8 pupils for their generous leavers’ gift. Basketball is an increasingly popular break time activity thanks to our keen Year 8 players, and the gift of a new mounted hoop will keep interest high in coming years. THANK YOU! YEAR 8 LEAVERS’ GIFT FROM RECEPTION TO YEAR 8 After Prize Giving, Year 8 parents joined governors and staff for farewell drinks.