APS News 38

abingdon.org.uk/prep 13 PRE-PREP TRIPS At the end of April, Year 2 pupils went on an exciting journey to Oxford Castle and Prison, immersing themselves in the sights and stories of the past. The day began with a hands-on workshop where we got to experience the ins and outs of castle life. From trying on knights’ helmets to sniffing medieval scents, they YEAR 2 AT OXFORD CASTLE AND PRISON were fully engaged in the medieval world. The highlight of the castle tour was the climb up 101 stairs to the top, where we enjoyed stunning views of Oxford. The prison visit was equally fascinating, as we learned about its famous former residents and the harsh realities of confinement. What an interesting day we had! Reception and Year 1 enjoyed a fabulous visit to the Cotswold Wildlife Park, as a part of their science and topic focus. Reception’s favorite animals were the roaring lions, while Year 1 was fascinated to learn incredible facts about rhinoceroses and giraffes with Abi, the African animal expert. The children were astonished to find out that giraffes only sleep for ten minutes at a time! After our lunches and a tasty ice-lolly, our next stop was a train ride around the park, with the children treating us to an impromptu performance of ‘Yellow Submarine’. It was an unforgettable day filled with learning and laughter! COTSWOLD WILDLIFE PARK VISIT FOREST SCHOOL TRIP Year 2 had a fabulous all day Forest School trip to Wittenham Clumps at the Earth Trust. Carrying 'vital' equipment and backpacks full of 'survival rations', the children set off into the woods. The weather looked changeable, so all quickly got busy building sturdy dens, before heading out to explore. After lunch we began our hike up the hill. At the top we paused to admire the view and identify some local landmarks. Once down the hill, the children settled down to listen to the Legend of the Green Man and talked about how, as Forest Schoolers, we were also custodians of the forest. Inspired, the children made Green Man clay sculptures, which they hid in the trees, to watch over the woods. All too soon, it was time to go!