Music is celebrated and enjoyed across our school, with class music lessons beginning in Reception, allowing children to experience a wide range of genres from classical and jazz to folk, pop and African drumming. There are plenty of opportunities to perform throughout the academic year, whether in our informal recitals, our annual House Music Festival, or our wholeschool concerts at Christmas and in the summer. From Year 1, we offer individual music tuition on a number of instruments, including free ‘taster’ lessons, and pupils also have the chance to join our various orchestras, choirs, and ensembles. There is provision for those wishing to pursue music at a higher level, with many achieving excellent results in the Associated Board instrumental exams and winning music scholarships to senior schools. Regardless of age or ability, playing for enjoyment, as well as improvement, is celebrated. Music The school is a holistic environment where, although the academic education is important, sport, drama and music play vital parts. I am so glad he has been a Prep pupil.” A parent