The boarding houses follow the school’s system of rewards and sanctions, which can be viewed here. As a boarding community, we also approach discipline as parents might at home, matching sanction to inconsiderate behaviour. In addition, boarders’ equipment such as mobile phones and computers may be confiscated for improper use. Peer relations and bullying We acknowledge that living together can be challenging and requires the development of patience, consideration and diplomacy. The School has an effective policy on bullying and all pupils are encouraged to speak up swiftly about bullying or any physical or verbal abuse. Attempts are then made to defuse tensions where they occur between particular pupils and to repair relations before any pupil is tempted to engage in verbal or physical bullying. Drugs; alcohol and smoking; and management of disciplinary incidents We adhere to the School policies on drugs and substances, alcohol and smoking. However, boarders over the age of 18 may sign out and visit a pub with permission from the Head of House and, on occasion, the Head of House may offer an alcoholic drink to sixth form students at house social occasions. In any disciplinary matter, the school policy on guidelines for disciplinary interviews with pupils will be followed and parents will be informed. 22 Behaviour, rewards and sanctions