Boarding Handbook

Signing in and out Signing in and out The heads of house and the house staff have a duty to know the whereabouts, and ensure the safety, of the boarders at all times during the term. Any time a boarder wants to go off-site in the evenings or at the weekend, they need to sign in and out in person with the duty tutor, saying where they are going, who they are going with and what time they expect to be back. Boarders are required to inform the member of staff on duty as soon as they return to the house. Regular registrations are taken as follows: Weekday registration: 8.25am each day: Registration in house During the school day: all students, day and boarding, are registered in their tutor periods and in Period 7 5pm each day: Registration in house 7pm each day: Registration in house A register is also taken at lights-out. Weekend registration: Saturday: Registration at 9.45am, 1pm and 7pm Sunday: Registration at 1pm and 7pm A register is also taken at lights-out on Saturday and Sunday, and the tutor on duty on Sunday does a walk of the house and takes the register at the start of their duty. Registration 19