Boarding Handbook

Transport Booking taxis Parents should contact their child’s guardian to make transport arrangements between the airport and school. The school does not book taxis on behalf of pupils. Parental permission for other forms of travel It is assumed that parents are willing for their children to travel in a vehicle driven by a member of staff, who are covered by the school’s insurance. If you are not driving your child to school, please inform your Head of House of other travel arrangements (e.g. public transport, private car driven by a friend etc.). Bicycles Boarders may keep bicycles at school and should use the locked bicycle sheds. Boarders may ride their bicycle outside the school grounds but helmets must be worn at all times. Cars Boarders are not allowed to keep their cars at school. In exceptional circumstances, requests should be made to the head of house, who will keep the keys between the agreed times at which the pupils can use the car. It is expected that cars left at school are to be used only for commuting from school to home. Only the designated driver may use the car and they may not give lifts to anyone else. 03 12