Abingdon News No. 65

8 January 2024 Abingdon News Our sixth formers had great fun celebrating St Kate’s Day with their counterparts at St Helen and St Katharine with the annual Lacrosse match. Sadly, it was not their year with the final score 5-2 to the girls. Lacrosse Lower School pupils from Abingdon and St Helen and St Katharine enjoyed a joint quiz night on 30 November, answering questions on geography, maths, movie soundtracks and even the cross-sections of chocolate bars! Congratulations go to Ethan, Patrick and William who were members of the winning team. Carol service On the last day of term, students and staff gathered for the annual Christmas carol service. Held at St Helen’s Church and officiated by the Reverend Steer, the service included festive readings and rousing carols. Oh no they didn’t! This year saw the return of the staff pantomime in the aptly named Abingdon Mayhem, written by the Pupil Voice crew and performed on 14 December. The plot had a definite Abingdon school focus and was well received by the audience. All proceeds raised are going to charity. Quizzical Moldovan arts and crafts One of the young Moldovan volunteers who worked with a group from Abingdon to run summer camps for Moldovan children this year has continued to make a difference to others since our visit in July. With some financial support from Abingdon and advice from our partner charity Agape, Iulita has started running a weekend arts and crafts session at her school which has been proving very successful. Iulita also produced special friendship bracelets in the Abingdon and Moldovan colours for all the sixth formers who went to Moldova which are now being very proudly worn by the recipients! At the end of term, the bellringing club got into the festive spirit by ringing some Christmas carols on handbells in their final session of the year. Jingle bells