Abingdon News No. 65

Abingdon News www.abingdon.org.uk 7 Lower School celebrate diversity Our pupils in Lower School have been investigating their heritage this term. During one of their mentoring sessions in October, the 1st and 2nd Years interviewed each other to find out more about what they knew about their family heritage before writing postcards to explain what they knew. These were then pinned onto a world map in the Lower School common room - showing the amazingly different and widespread connections our pupils have from Uxbridge to Uzbekistan and Kenya to Kyiv. Learning more about each other is a key part of mentoring and, as we discover more about our own heritages, pupils will see that we each bring a wealth of knowledge to share. Thinking supper Lower School enjoyed a Thinking Supper in October as academic award holders met some of their peers from St Helen and St Katharine for an evening of discussion and debate over supper. The task was to write a letter to the Secretary of State for Education outlining the one change that schools could make that would have the biggest impact on global warming. The letters were read out at the end of the evening and contained plenty of thoughtful and well-researched points including making greater use of 2nd hand uniform shops, more solar panels and moves to decrease food waste in the dining hall.