Abingdon News No. 65

www.abingdon.org.uk 5 Abingdon News Lending a helping hand The new Lower School Assistants have been doing a great job of helping the youngest members of the school settle in. As well as helping out on 1st Year induction day, they have been attending Lower School morning tutor periods once a fortnight to have discussions with the pupils about how things are going and have been organising a range of fun activities for them every Tuesday lunchtime. Celebrating National Poetry Day On 5 October, we celebrated National Poetry Day with a whole school poetry writing competition. Well done to all the students, and in particular to winners William, Jack, Edward, Ben, Piers, Sze Long, Arth and Tristan. In addition, the poet Peter Robinson, a Professor of English from the University of Reading, came to read from his work and talk to students about his life as a writer. It was an inspirational event which provided a great insight into the journey of a writer’s life, and proved a great way to celebrate National Poetry Day. Classical musings Ahead of the half-term classics trip to Italy, students (and their parents) were given the opportunity to hear an evening talk from visiting speaker, Dr Paul Roberts - research keeper of the department of antiquities at the Ashmolean. Dr Roberts spoke about Pompeii, Herculaneum and Rome, exuding great knowledge and enthusiasm when describing the beauty and interest of the sites and objects that will be visited on the trip. His talk ranged from the obscure (Hadrian’s study at his villa, only accessible by drawbridge), to the poignant (the casts of bodies at Pompeii, preserved in the moment of death). A classical adventure Over half term, 58 pupils and 6 staff travelled to Rome and the Bay of Naples. Highlights included visiting the richly decorated houses of Pompeii; seeing world-famous sculptures in the Capitoline and Palazzo Massimo Museums; walking in the underground warren beneath the amphitheatre at the centre of Spartacus’ uprising; and enjoying the warmth of the late afternoon at the Canopus at Hadrian’s Villa. With great food, warm weather and fantastic sights, it was a memorable trip.