Abingdon News No. 65

Abingdon News Dear Fellow Parents, I hope that you all had an enjoyable Christmas break and welcome back to the new term. This term, we have the Burns Night Supper and Dance, it will be our first major event of this nature and scale for many a year, and the first to be held in the new pavilion. I look forward to seeing many of you there. In the summer term, we will be holding our quiz again – so start thinking about putting a team together… ASPA is the school’s main parent association; it invites every parent to be a member and we focus on connecting parents and supporting school life. We are organised and run by a willing band of parents who make up the ASPA committee and we try to get representation from all year groups. This last year we have once again started our in-person meetings and organised several parent activities. The committee is looking to fill the current vacancies it has, as there are several members whose children are now in the sixth form and will shortly be leaving school. Could you spare a few hours a month for a meeting, eat cheese at a cheese and wine evening, suggest a quiz question or attend a Burns night to watch the haggis be piped in? If you have time, energy and ideas, please consider putting yourself forward via [email protected] - I look forward to hearing from you. With best wishes Richard Stone, ASPA Chair ASPA contribution to CCF Work has been ongoing to the area outside the CCF and is due to be finished in early 2024. Most recently, red, white and blue bulbs have been planted; the wall art has been attached and the 6ft ‘Tommies’ put in place. We can’t wait to see the end result. www.abingdon.org.uk 25 Cheese and Wine nights The Cheese and Wine evenings for parents of pupils in the Lower School and 3rd Year were held in November. These evenings, which ASPA funds to enable new parents to meet each other, were each attended by about 40 parents. There were many new connections made and early experiences shared. Names were put to faces and the conversation (as well as the wine) flowed! Burns Night Dinner We are delighted to be hosting a Ceilidh in Abingdon’s new pavilion on Saturday 27 January 2024. As well as a three course dinner, we have a fantastic live Ceilidh band and 1st Year pupil Toby will ceremoniously be piping in the haggis! Tickets are priced at £45 each and available from the Amey Theatre Box Office. Connecting parents, supporting school life New volunteers needed!