Abingdon News No. 65

www.abingdon.org.uk 17 Abingdon School in Partnership Humanities workshop Year 3 and 4 pupils from Carswell Primary School were greeted by a Roman soldier at our humanities workshop in September. They had fun investigating a Victorian crime scene, discussing philosophical beliefs, discovering different types of rock and learning about the army in Ancient Rome. One pupil said that ‘It was the loveliest day ever!’ Abingdon science partnership reaches for the stars Run by our staff and over 40 of our student science ambassadors, our Primary and Saturday science clubs have offered an exciting new workshop this term. Called Rocks, Soils and Fossils, it covers the KS2 curriculum but uses resources and equipment usually only available in a secondary school science lab. In addition, our new Astronomy Ambassadors have been busy assisting with our Other Half GCSE Astronomy group and with evening trips to our inflatable planetarium from visiting groups such as the Scouts. Festive film It’s been great to welcome 17 new students from Larkmead and Fitzharrys to the AFU, all of whom were challenged to create a short film by Christmas. On 31 October, our community service volunteers took the opportunity to participate in some spooky games to entertain the residents at the Old Station House. They joined residents for a quiz, bobbed for apples, became ‘mummies’ tied up in tissue and tried to pin the cat on the witch’s broom in a Halloween version of blind man’s bluff. Everyone had a spooktacular time! Primary Business Challenge And… action! Michael Bicarregui (OA) visited Abingdon in November to train our student primary school partnership volunteers in the art of Stop Motion. He and the volunteers then ran a workshop for Thameside primary school pupils so that they can create their own short animated films. Over the course of the next academic year, 3 dedicated events (InspirED, SupportED and ChallengED) are being held to celebrate the 2 year anniversary of the formation of the OX14 Learning Partnership, and to broaden the scope, impact and understanding of partnerships. InspirED took place on 7 November. It took the style of a series of inspirational ‘Ted Talks’ and speakers included Ilan Lassman of UCL, Emmy O’Shaugnessy from Oxfordshire Youth, Nancy Mudenyo Hunt of the Nasio Trust, Southampton football legend Franny Benali and Ely Lassman from the educational charity Prometheus on Campus. The event was rounded off by upper sixth students from each member school talking about how they have overcome some of the challenges they have faced. InspirED On 21 November, 4 primary schools came into Abingdon to take part in a business challenge. Working with our current upper sixth business students, the children were asked to come up with a concept for a Christmas snack and to market it. All teams presented some excellent ideas to the panel of judges, made up of Abingdon’s Economics Department. The children honed team working, presentation and basic business skills and had a really positive day. It’s a wrap This term, over 100 students from around the OX14 Learning Partnership have been attending a new round of workshops run by the Oxfordshire Academy of Broadcast Journalism. The brainchild of professional broadcasters Olly Hogben and Blythe Lawrence, it provides some fantastic opportunities for the next generation of broadcasters! Scary stuff