Abingdon News No. 65

www.abingdon.org.uk 11 Abingdon News On 26 September, the whole school took part in Abingdon’s biennial sponsored walk to raise funds for Thames Valley Air Ambulance and Water Aid. The 10 mile circular route started from school and took in sections of the Oxford Greenbelt Way and the Thames Path. The total raised was just over £31,140. Fundraising focus That takes the biscuit At the beginning of December, 2nd Year students in the Modern Foreign Languages baking club travelled to Oxford to take part in the Oxford German Network’s annual ‘Weihnachtsplätzchenbackwettbewerb’ or German Christmas biscuit competition. Pupils enjoyed taking part in some Christmas crafts and returned home winners of the “Most Creative” category for their biscuits. We are so proud of our 3rd Year student, Anur, who recently used the £250 he won from the John Rayson award (and topped up with additional funds he earned doing chores) to host a drama workshop for differently able children at Kingfisher School, Abingdon. In conjunction with staff from both Kingfisher school and Boost! School of Acting, the workshop saw at least 20 differently able students benefit from a 3 hour workshop, held on one of two days in October. Anur said of the experience: “Drama allows us to express and process our own voices and knowledge. It aids in collaboration and creation allowing participants to share art. In the process, it builds confidence and, more importantly, it is fun. I learned how even with very limited ability to speak or express themselves, children at the workshop were able to engage and have fun. Kingfisher is special for educating children with special educational needs, but also for having exceptional teachers and staff who help their pupils achieve their potential. I am so grateful to Caroline and Tom from Boost! who were a key part of the project, as well as Dr Gardner, Mr Stockdale, Dr Howe, Mr Jenkins and Miss Sharman for their help in bringing this workshop to fruition and to Abingdon for awarding me the John Rayson award.” The festival of lights In the lead up to Diwali on 12 November, Lower School students, Arjun and Krish put together a video to share with their classmates on the Hindu festival, its history and how they and their families celebrate. John Rayson Award