APS News 34

10 Abingdon Prep • September 2023 PRE-PREP To finish their ‘Down in the Jungle’ topic, Reception and Year 1 had a fun packed day at the Cotswold Wildlife Park. The children spotted animals beginning with every letter of the alphabet, enjoyed train rides, munched on picnics, met park keepers and rounded the day off with a delicious ice cream. They particularly enjoyed seeing the young rhinos charging in for their lunch and were fascinated to learn about animal adaptations, such as penguins’ blushing beaks (to help them stay cool) and meerkats’ built-in sunglasses. COTSWOLD WILDLIFE PARK YEAR 2 AT THE EARTH TRUST First the children went into the woods to explore and set up camp, where the Pre Prep’s theme of the rainforest seemed very real when the heavens opened and it rained for twenty minutes! The clouds soon passed and glorious blue skies appeared again in time for lunch, before tackling an uphill hike and taking in the beautiful views at the top! The children also had a fun time going down the hill - in a variety of styles! After a few games, snacks and stories, it was soon time to say farewell to the woods and return to school. BIKE DAY After a safety talk and cycle helmet check, Reception and Year 1 children were off on their bikes, honing their control skills around a course of cones requiring focus, agility and balance! Earlier in the term, Reception visited Countryfile presenter Adam Henson’s farm where they could get up close to pet many animals. COTSWOLD FARM PARK In Science, the children in Years 1 and 2 looked at flowers and what all the different parts are called, calling for close observation, dissection and drawing. FLOWERS IN SCIENCE COOKING FOR THE COOKS Reception rewarded our fabulous catering team by cooking Pirate Pasties for them.