Sport and PE

Michaelmas Lent Summer Cross-Country Cross-Country Athletics Health Related Exercise * Football Cricket Rackets Hockey Rowing Rugby Rackets ** Tennis Swimming Rowing Water Polo * Rowing ** Swimming Sports Programme Michaelmas Lent Summer Badminton Badminton Athletics Cross-Country Cross-Country Cricket Health Related Exercise Football Health Related Exercise Rowing Health Related Exercise Rowing Rugby Hockey Tennis Squash Rowing Volleyball Swimming Rugby 7s Water Polo Tennis Squash Hockey Swimming Core Sport: This forms part of every student's timetable and all lessons occur in the afternoon. In the 1st and 2nd Year, students receive one lesson each week from a fixed curriculum of rugby, hockey and cricket. In the 3rd to 5th Year and the Sixth Form, students receive two lessons each week from a choice based options system. 3rd, 4th and 5th Years *4th and 5th Years only **5th Year only Sixth Form Page 03 (Badminton or Squash) (Badminton, Squash or Table Tennis)