Uniform In Pre-Prep, we have an all year round uniform consisting of a navy polo shirt, grey shorts (or long grey trousers between October half-term and the end of the Spring term), grey socks and a teal sweatshirt. Children also need a waterproof navy coat, navy waterproof all in one overall, a winter hat and school legionnaire cap. Please ensure everything is clearly named. Additional items Children need to come to school in black leather, well fitting shoes with a velcro fastening. White trainers for indoor gym / sport sessions (with velcro fastening). Wellington boots. Kit bags Children will need a school backpack to keep their PE kit in; a drawstring swimming bag and a school book bag. Children’s kit bags are kept in cubbies in the Pre-Prep corridor. They need to be brought into school on Monday with everything your child will need for the week. They are sent home when the kit needs to be washed. Where to source School uniform may be purchased through our uniform supplier, Stevensons. Second hand uniform sales are held regularly by our Parents’ Association and advertised in the Weekly Mailing. Shoes / trainers / wellies can be purchased through any reputable shoe shop or department store. Uniform Page 06