Illness Young children who are unwell should stay at home in order for them to recover as quickly as possible. If a child is unwell, parents should email their child’s form teacher, the Head of Pre-Prep, Linda Gaskell, and the school secretary ([email protected]) by 8.30am for each day they are absent (or telephone the school office on 01865 391570). If a child is absent without notification, the school secretary will contact parents to establish a reason for absence. If a child is suffering from a sickness or tummy bug, in line with our school policy, they must be kept at home for at least 48 hours after their last symptom. First aid Teachers at Abingdon Prep School receive regular training in First Aid. In addition, Pre-Prep and other key staff, undertake Paediatric First Aid training. Healthcare There are two nurses at Abingdon Prep and one is always on duty throughout the school day. Based in our small, friendly medical room, they offer care to children who need them, whether as a result of an accident, injury or minor illness. Parents are asked to complete a form detailing their child’s medical history which will be sent before joining the school and should be returned to Admissions. Please supply us with as much detail as possible. If there are any significant changes to your child’s overall medical condition at any stage during their time at Abingdon Prep, please notify our school nurses via email ([email protected]) and copy in your child’s form teacher and Linda Gaskell so they can keep their record up to date. Medication The nurses can administer medications, including paracetamol, antihistamine and those prescribed from home, such as antibiotics, once parents have completed the medicines form. We do ask that any Pre-Prep child prescribed with antibiotics stays off school, completing two days of the course before returning. The nurses also keep named emergency medication including inhalers and adrenaline autoinjectors. They provide continued support to children with longer health needs such as diabetes and asthma. Medical information Page 05