Arrival at school Children should arrive from 8.15am to be ready to start the school day at 8.25am. If required, children may be dropped off at our Early Birds Club from 8am, at no additional cost. The Pre-Prep gate will be open from 8am and a member of staff will be ready to welcome the children. End of the day Reception: Children in Reception finish school at 3.25pm and are collected from the Pre-Prep gate, adjacent to the Year 2 classroom. For parents who are unable to collect their child at the end of the school day, pupils may attend After School Club until 5pm. This service is supervised and children will be given a small healthy snack. It is available until 4.15pm at no additional cost, but a flat rate of £2.50 per day is then charged until 5pm. Years 1 and 2: Children in Years 1 and 2 finish school at 3.25pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday; and 4pm on Thursday, due to the enrichment programme. They may also attend the After School Club which is available until 4.15pm at no additional cost, at £2.50 per day until 5pm, and at £4 per day until 6pm (please note only children in Years 1 and above may stay until 6pm). Children in Years 1 and 2 may also participate in an Other Half Activity until 4pm. The clubs on offer are a mixture of those provided by staff and those provided by external facilitators (and therefore may be subject to an additional cost). Details will be provided before the start of term and you will be required to fill in an online form of your club requests. After the activity has finished by 4pm, children can be collected and taken home or stay in After School Club. Arriving late or going early from school If a child arrives after 8.25am or needs to leave school early for any reason, it is very important that they are signed in or out from the front office, so that we know the whereabouts of all children at all times. Holidays before, after and during term time Holiday dates are published well in advance and parents are asked to book holidays during these times. However, we do understand there may be occasions when a child may need to leave school before the end of term or arrive back after term has started. In such cases, consent must be granted by the Headmaster - please email him directly [email protected] and copy in your child’s form teacher. The School day Page 04