Website Plenty of useful information can be found on our website, including our calendar, details of the JPA (our parents’ association) and our lunch menu, not to mention plenty of news stories about what our pupils have been up to. The Weekly Mailing Each Thursday during term time, parents are emailed our password protected Weekly Mailing which contains important information about forthcoming events at school (usernames and passwords will be provided to parents separately). Please can we encourage you to read this every week and let us know if you aren’t able to access it. Class specific communications In addition, Pre-Prep parents are sent a newsletter at the beginning of each term which provides information on the topic for the term, plus any other information and an overview of activities. Your child's class teacher will send regular round ups of information, homework and upcoming events. Abingdon Prep News Our termly school magazine provides a snapshot of the wide range of activities our children have enjoyed throughout the course of the previous term. Photographs and social media As already mentioned, news stories are published on the school website and shared via social media channels including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and this is an engaging way for parents to keep up to date with all that their children are doing. As part of your joining pack, we ask parents to complete a consent form to enable us to include your child in all of our marketing and publicity. Communication Central to the success of your child’s time at Abingdon Prep is a strong relationship between home and school. As previously mentioned, your child's form teacher is your first point of contact. In the Early Years, Linda is the key worker for your child, with support from the TA team. Should you ever have any concerns or minor issues, these can often be dealt with at welcome in the morning. Please pass messages to Linda or Craig or email your child's class teacher directly. They will respond as soon as they can. For a longer discussion, it is best for parents to make a separate appointment. Page 03